Saturday, October 11, 2014

Halloween Nail Art Tutorial


 I decided to do another Halloween Tutorial for you guys since the last one was such a hit! I mean who doesn't love Halloween right?? I have always said Halloween isn't just one day a year for me personally, it's everyday! It may have something to do with my birthday being the day before Halloween (October 30th), so I grew up having costume parties as birthday parties. How cool is that?! :) 

 I decided to throw in some new simple designs for you to try out! We have some Jack-O-Lanterns, Ghosts, Spiderwebs, Frankenstein, and some stitches to complete this fun tutorial. Hope you guys enjoy! Leave me a comment if you have some suggestions.

 As always the step-by-step instructions are down below!



 Difficulty: Easy-Medium


 1. White nail polish-i used Petites in French White
 2.Dark purple nail polish-I used Sinful Colors in Amethyst
 3.Lime Green polish-I used Pure Ice in Wild Thing
4.Orange nail polish- I used Sinful Colors in Cloud 9
 5.Brown nail polish- I used Sinful Colors in Nirvana
 6.Black striper polish- I used Salon Perfect in Black Ink
 7.Black Glitter polish- I used Salon Perfect in Black Diamond
8.Silver nail polish- I used L.A. Colors striper in Silver
9.Dotting Tool/toothpick
10.Clear Top Coat--I used NYC Long Wearing Extra Shiny


1.Paint your THUMBS and your PINKY fingers WHITE, INDEX fingers purple, MIDDLE and RING fingers lime green. Allow to dry completely.

2. Let's start with the spiderwebs on your thumbs. Grab the black striping polish - begin by drawing a line down the center of your thumb and across it to make a t shape. Now draw 2 more in the shape of an X. 

3. Slowly begin connecting the lines. If it isn't perfect take your time and go over the line again. After the web design was dry I decided to take the black glitter polish and put a spider in the center. You can use a striper or a dotting tool to draw the legs.

4. On your index finger use your white nail polish to paint halfway up your nail starting at the bottom, make sure you round it off at the top (the center of your nail) to be a pumpkin shape. After the white is dry add a coat or 2 of the orange nail polish OVER the white to make your pumpkin!
 Now on your middle finger using your black striper draw a slanted line across your finger and add 2 more lines coming off of the 1st line. (see my picture above)

5. On your middle finger it is time to add the finishing touches on your stitches! Draw 2-3 small lines going across the longer lines you drew in step 4. 

6. Let's go ahead and get the pinky-ghost out of the way! Grab your black nail striper (or dotting tool) and draw 2 dots for eyes and a larger dot in the middle for the mouth! At the tip of your pinky nail paint a thin black line across your nail. Next make the tip uneven with some brush strokes to give your ghost some movement!

7. On to the ring finger Frankenstein!! Begin by painting his hair at the base of your nail. I did 3 small points and slowly connected them together and filled it in.

8. Grab your dotting tool and give Frankie some white eyes! Allow to dry!

9. Now using your black striper put some black pupils on Frankie's eyes, draw a line for his mouth, and add a few small stitches to his mouth for detail. I decided to use the silver nail polish for the bolts on the side of his head.

10. Now to finish the Jack-o-lantern on your index fingers. Use either a toothpick or your black striper and draw 2 small triangles for eyes, an upside down triangle for the nose, and a mouth. Get Creative! Using your brown nail polish add a square to the top of the jack-o-lantern for the stem and you are done!

*After your nails are dry add your clear top coat and wait until they are completely dry.*

Enjoy my Ghouls!! And show everyone your love of Halloween! :)

If you try this manicure or any of my other tutorials I would love to see it!  You can upload it to my Facebook Page

or tag me on instagram with hashtag #inkandcupcakes. 

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @inkandcupcakes

Thank You!!
xoxo Sarah



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